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Sam Warburton hails Six Nations win over Ireland

Sam Warburton and George North lead the Wales celebrations
Image: Sam Warburton and George North lead the Wales celebrations

Wales captain Sam Warburton said beating Ireland in the Six Nations on Saturday will go down as one of his best rugby memories.

Wales defence was heroic as they claimed a 23-16 win in Cardiff on Saturday to not only end Ireland’s hopes of their first Grand Slam since 2009, but to also keep their own Six Nations title hopes alive.

"That was as satisfying as the win we had against South Africa in the autumn, England in 2013 and probably the (World Cup) quarter-final against Ireland in 2011," said Warburton who led Wales for a record 34th time on Saturday.

"And that's because Ireland are that good: they had won 10 in a row and they are third in the world. So we knew it had to be one of our very best performances that we've had to get a win today.

"They were chasing a Grand Slam and they had all the motivation in the world as well.

"I was on the floor at the end of the game, I looked up and I saw (referee) Wayne Barnes' arm rise for our side, and I just punched the air on the floor.

"It's one of the best feelings I've ever had in a Wales shirt so I'm extremely happy with that.”

More from Six Nations 2015: Wales V Ireland

Tackled to a standstill

Wales were forced to make an incredible 289 tackles, with Lock Luke Charteris leading the way with 37 and Warburton not far behind on 30.

"The reason we made that many tackles was because Ireland kept the ball extremely well,” added Warburton.

"Particularly in the second half, they just kept coming and went so many phases and defensive sets; the second half was probably one of the most exhausted I've been ever in an international match.

"And the players were still talking to get up on your feet, the attitude and defensive effort was second to none.

"Shaun (Edwards) has gone into detail in the week to cover their trick plays and what they do in attack. The boys took on all that information and detail and it definitely paid off.

"Certain matches you can tell the players are extremely focused. You could tell it was one of those days where everyone was so desperate to get the result, going down to breakfast today, so it was so satisfying to get that in the end."

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