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Sigurdarson eyes English move

Image: Bjorn Bergmann Sigurdarson: Being chased by a host of English clubs

Sky Sports understands hot prospect Bjorn Bergmann Sigurdarson has his heart set on a move to England.

Everton, Wolves, Reading & Cardiff chasing striker

Sky Sports understands hot prospect Bjorn Bergmann Sigurdarson has his heart set on a move to England with a host of clubs chasing his signature. Sigurdarson is regarded as one of the best young strikers in Europe after netting 11 goals in 13 games for Lillestrom this season. Scouts from a host of English clubs have been keeping tabs on his progress with Lillestrom braced for a number of bids for the 21-year-old this summer. The likes of Everton, Reading, Wolves and Cardiff are all thought to be keen on Sigurdarson and the player's agent, Jerry de Koning, admits there is a great deal of interest in the forward. "There are a number of clubs looking at Bjorn closely and we are waiting to see what happens," De Koning told Sky Sports. "I know Everton, Wolves, Reading and Cardiff have all been to watch Bjorn and there is also interest from Germany so we will see what is best for him. "We would want a move to be done as soon as possible so that Bjorn can have pre-season with his new club and I would expect something to happen by July. "Bjorn would like to play in England and follow in the footsteps of his brothers Joey, Bjarni and Thordur Gudjonsson who all enjoyed successful times in England."