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Dalglish hopeful over Gerrard

Image: Steven Gerrard: Liverpool midfielder responding well to treatment on ankle problem

Liverpool boss Kenny Dalglish is hopeful Steven Gerrard will only miss one Premier League game with his latest injury problem.

Reds skipper could return after international break

Liverpool boss Kenny Dalglish is hopeful Steven Gerrard will only miss one Premier League game with his latest injury problem. The midfielder was sidelined for last weekend's win over West Brom after suffering an infection to his ankle. The problem has ruled Gerrard out of this Saturday's home clash with Swansea as well as England's upcoming friendlies against Spain and Sweden. It had been feared the injury could sideline Gerrard for up to a month, but Dalglish admits the Reds skipper is responding positively to the treatment and could be back in action after the international break.


"Since they found the infection, Steven has really been progressing extremely well. Everything is positive for him," said Dalglish. "They found the infection and I suppose it's a wee bit like flu - you know you've got it, but you don't know where it came from. "But they are treating and it is responding really well, so it's positive for him. "There's nothing more sinister either."
Dalglish also fears Jamie Carragher will not be available for the visit of Swansea after he missed the West Brom win. The Reds boss admits Liverpool miss the experienced duo when they are not playing, but he believes they now have enough strength in depth to cope without the pair. "We will have a rain check on Carra. If he's not going to be right he's not going to be right," added Dalglish. "I think as a club we are much better with those two fit. "They have been fantastic servants for the club and they will continue to be. "It is a great achievement for the boys to get a result at West Brom without either of those two playing."

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