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Chinese eye English stars

Image: Rio Ferdinand: Linked with China move along with Frank Lampard

Chinese outfit Guizhou Renhe have confirmed their interest in signing England stars Rio Ferdinand and Frank Lampard.

Guizhou Renhe target Ferdinand and Lampard

Chinese outfit Guizhou Renhe have confirmed their interest in signing England stars Rio Ferdinand and Frank Lampard. The Chinese Super League has a number of clubs looking to spend heavily and this was signalled by Shanghai Shenhua's signing of Nicolas Anelka in January. Now Renhe want to follow Shenhua's route of raiding the Premier League by signing Ferdinand and Lampard. Guizhou chairman Wang Guolin is quoted by The Sun as saying: "I want the best team in China and we are prepared to invest a lot of money to bring Ferdinand and Lampard to us. "Many people here watch the Premier League and know how good the two players are." Leading agent Pini Zahavi, who is Ferdinand's representative, admitted that the Chinese clubs are ready to pay big money. Zahavi said: "When the Chinese want to achieve something they do it. "Football has become a big business for them now and they want to bring in the best players and managers."

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