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Dalglish sorry for conduct

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Kenny Dalglish has apologised for his conduct during his post-match interview after Liverpool's 2-1 defeat by Manchester United.

Liverpool boss says it is also right that Suarez has apologised

Kenny Dalglish has apologised for his conduct during his post-match interview after Liverpool's 2-1 defeat by Manchester United after admitting he was 'shocked' to learn Luis Suarez had not shaken Patrice Evra's hand. Suarez's first start for Liverpool since returning from an eight-match suspension after being found guilty of racially abusing Evra was overshadowed by the striker's refusal to shake the United defender's hand before kick-off. The Uruguayan has subsequently apologised for his actions and has admitted that he let Liverpool down in not shaking Evra's hand. Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre also released a statement saying that Suarez had 'misled' the club after he had told them in the build-up to the game that he would shake hands with Evra. Speaking after the match, Dalglish said he was unaware that Suarez had snubbed Evra, but insisted his player was not to blame for anything else that happened in the match.


Dalglish also criticised the media for its role in the build-up to the contest, but the Liverpool boss has now apologised for his own conduct. "Ian Ayre has made the club's position absolutely clear and it is right that Luis Suarez has now apologised for what happened at Old Trafford," said Dalglish. "To be honest, I was shocked to hear that the player had not shaken hands having been told earlier in the week that he would do. "But as Ian said earlier, all of us have a responsibility to represent this club in a fit and proper manner and that applies equally to me as Liverpool manager. "When I went on TV after yesterday's game I hadn't seen what had happened, but I did not conduct myself in a way befitting of a Liverpool manager during that interview and I'd like to apologise for that."