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N'Zogbia - No McLeish issue

Image: Charles N'Zogbia: Villa winger has clarified position regarding him and manager Alex McLeish

Aston Villa winger Charles N'Zogbia insists he and manager Alex McLeish have put any problems behind them after holding recent talks.

Winger says he has healthy working relationship with Villa boss

Aston Villa winger Charles N'Zogbia insists he and manager Alex McLeish have put any problems in their working relationship behind them after holding recent talks. N'Zogbia was quoted as being "disgusted" at remarks made by McLeish who was reported to have said the former Wigan player "preferred cars to football." Villa's £9million summer signing was also reported to have quarrelled with McLeish after the away game at Newcastle and "didn't like the words he said. I was really upset." But N'Zogbia is adamant the duo "believe in one another" and he is keen to end the season on a positive note after struggling to show his best form on a consistent basis.


N'Zogbia, in a media statement released by Villa, said: "I would like to clarify because I have not been quoted correctly. "The most important point is that I'm very happy to be an Aston Villa player. I appreciate that the manager brought me here and I want to repay this by performing well for the club. "We have been performing well as a team in most of our games and I'm happy to be playing my part. I want to contribute. "This is a big club with a proud history and I have a great desire to help the club to win. "That is the attitude the manager wants to see in all of the players here."
N'Zogbia added: "I know now that he (McLeish) did not say this about me (preferring cars to football). "He was saying this about every player but he wants players to win football games and think about cars and everything else after this. This is my attitude also. "We spoke together after the game against Newcastle and we have put this behind us. "I'm focused on our game against Arsenal this weekend at the Emirates which we will be trying our best to win. We believe in one another."