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Balthazar King making 'steady progress' as he recovers from Grand National fall

Pineau De Re beats balthazar king and double seven
Image: Baltahazar King finishes second in the 2014 National.

Philip Hobbs reports Balthazar King to be making "steady progress" as he recovers from his fall in the Crabbie's Grand National.

Last year's runner-up only made it as far as the Canal Turn in this year's renewal of the Aintree spectacular and suffered broken ribs after bringing down Ballycasey, who was following behind.

Having initially been treated on the course, he was transferred to the University of Liverpool Equine Hospital by horse ambulance.

Hobbs posted on Twitter on Monday: "Balthazar King has had a good 24 hours and (is) making steady progress.

"He has broken a couple of ribs and is very sore but is eating and seems bright in himself.

More from Grand National 2015

"Thank you for all your kind messages of support we will keep you updated."

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